Speed from 500 up to 700m/min
- Max reel diameter up to 3000 mm
- Max reel weight up to 5 tons
- No hydraulic
- Automatic splice option
- Adjustable frames width option
Speed from 500 up to 700m/min
- Flexless rubber rolls technology
- Carbon fiber doctor blade system
- Nip regulation from HMI
- Capability of running glueless BRT products
- Automatic cleaning for upper steel roller and marry roll
- All types lamination with one single machine (nested, DECO, DERL, Point to Point)
- Changeover from nested to Point to Point and viceversa in less than 25 min
- Automatic timing of steel rollers
- Automatic system for steel rollers replacement
- Automatic system for cliché replacement to work different paper widths
- In line warehouse for additional cliché and up to 5 additional steel rollers
- Independent speed for all main rollers
Speed from 500 up to 700m/min
- Products diameter from 90 to 350mm
- CORELESS products capability
- Core diameter range from 20 up to 90mm
- Core chucks guiding system for trim optimizzation
- Double perforation for BRT and KT
- Wide use of servomotors
- Product parameters set by HMI and stored in receipts
- Core diameter change fully from HMI
Wide range of products diameter (up to 350mm)
- Easy and quick diameter change regulation
- Tail length regulation by HMI
Up to 50 logs
- FIFO logic
- Carriage movement on pinion racks
- Robust structure suitable for heavy weiht logs
- Unloading for 1 or 2 log saws
Up to 120 strokes/min
- Suitable for product densities up to 320Kg/m3
- Double frame arm with symmetrical transmission for zero-deflection cuts
- Double bevel feature by the means of one single set of grinding stones
- Universal clamps
- Usable blade up to 1m diameter
- Integrated crane to ease blade replacement
- Automatic water based grinding dust suction system
- Working parameters set by HMI
Up to 100m/min of core speed
- Innovative cutting system with single toothed blade and integrated cardboard dust suction system
- From 20 up to 90mm diameter cores
- Easy change for different diameter cores
- Suitable for cores up to 5 plies
- Integrated crane for reels loading